A New Model
Where we have been heading
Because technology has no intrinsic or common values, it is simply the science of know-how
1) Technology drives
2) global economics, adversely impacting
3) all societies
4) dangerously imbalancing the Earth’s sustaining environment.
Consumerism is NOT sustainable.
Economic ‘growth’ speeds up the downfall. Click here for the reasons why.
A new economic model is needed: zero growth, zero waste, closed loop and sustainable, based on moral and globally shared values.
Where Humanity must choose to go to survive
Shared values will guide and inform towards a sustainable future
1) Human Beings shall transform by morally living through shared values>
2) Societies shall collaborate, choosing
3) socio-economics that openly benefit all, within
4) sustainable economic and ecological environments.
The sustainable outcome is that technology would be shared to benefit everyone, including the know-how and projects that reduce suffering, and maintain sustainable environments.
This virtuous and sustainable model ensures the continued survival of Human Beings, and other animal life on Earth.
Take a look at The Story of Stuff videos, which help to explain why we must change the ‘growth’ based economic and consumer spending models.
Efficient and Effective Technology
A fraction of the money spent on ‘national defence’ or ‘space programs’ that is redirected towards the technologies of efficient and effective resource utilisation and distribution would also eliminate poverty and hunger.
The primary technologies to be developed are:
– Localised irrigation and water recycling, including water distillation
– Localised food production and consumption, based on the natural seasonality of products
– Crop-rotation and the use of natural fertilizers
– Natural and renewable energy production, including solar, wind, gravity and sea
– Energy capture, conservation and recycling in construction projects
– Ecosystem symbiosis (e.g. honey bees for sugars and plant pollination)
– Localised work places with globalised information sharing
– Centralised and localised storage and distribution facilities
– Repair, maintenance and recycling, over automatic replacement, and
– Holistic and localised medical support,
all based on treating and fixing the cause, not the symptom.